Friday, October 17, 2008

Fire and Water

Laurelin - oil on panel, 14" square.

If you're familiar with Portland, you may recognize this tree. Autumn's fine colors are gorgeous this year, and have peaked this week on the southern Maine coast. If you're wondering at the name, you'll have to read the first part of "The Silmarillion" again, I'm afraid.

I have been in and out of the studio quickly these days, unable to put in a lot of time on any one project. There have been quite a few social and familial obligations to fulfill, and I was hoping for a slowdown this fall, but to no avail. Even so, I have concepted out quite a few paintings for the future, and I am through the preliminary setups on two of them. One is the study for the painting with Molly, the other is more akin to the series I'm off-shooting from the successful "She Dreams." I'm very excited about this stuff.

Again, I wonder a bit about the efficacy of doing these figurative works, but hey, I don't need to move them as fast as I would were a gallery asking me for paintings. I would be eschewing the figure for landscapes, no doubt. Not that there's anything wrong with pure landscapes - I enjoy painting them dearly - but, as I'd said before, my vision is leading me towards the figure. Since I currently have the wherewithal to entertain this direction, I'm going to go for it.


Anonymous said...

I say, stick with what is keeping it alive for you. I am just as excited about this new series, I can't wait to see it develop!

martha miller said...

what a stunning painting!!!

Rob S. said...

Thanks, ac0nclusi0n. It's slow in developing, but at least I'm focused.

Martha, thank you! It was a beautiful autumn, wasn't it?