Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thawing Out

This is Evendim, oil on panel 9"x12". It's in a private collection somewhere. Yes, another Tolkien name, but the scene depicts the headwaters of the Fore River, at the end section of the Fore River Sanctuary here in Portland. This is what it looks like this time of year, generally: some ragged edges of snow still waiting to melt off and freshen the brackish waters.

This winter seemed particularly long. I'm just beginning to thaw and feel the urge to paint outdoors. I'll be sure to post my successful plein air attempts here. That way, when winter returns, we can all look back at those paintings and remember that there really is a warm season in Maine!


martha miller said...

whoa, this is gorgeous!
you really do need to get out to monhegan. blackhead, whitehead, and burnthead are calling you! i've heard many people say that those back cliffs reminds them of ireland.

martha miller said...

ok, my turn at the typo. let's try that again:

i've heard many people say that those back cliffs REMIND them of ireland.
